Collection: Footwear

I put my new shoes on !! Fantastic collaboration with Walk In Pitas '

Easy-on Comfort is a Way of Life at Walk In Pitas

At Walk In Pitas easy-on comfort is a way of life and not just how we make our shoes - it’s why we make our shoes like this!

Easy-on comfort means we respect each other and that we are kind to our fellow man and all the creatures that live on this beautiful but sadly fast changing world. 

To achieve this we begin by being kind to ourselves. We eat healthily, sleep soundly, exercise sufficiently and meditate deeply. 

For us, easy-on comfort means kindness and respect. We scrutinise the manufacturers we work with to make sure high standards are maintained in the workplace. Our suppliers are required to provide a work environment that ensures people come to work and know they are being treated with respect and fairness. 

Each member of our team feels the warmth of that easy-on comfort - which is why we are such a loyal and long standing group of people in the Walk In Pitas family. 

Fairness and respect come above the need for profit in our organisation. We look at what we’re creating and know that we’re not only making fantastic footwear but we’re building a team that are cared for and given every opportunity to thrive. Easy-on comfort permeates everything we do!